Verona, Italy's northern Veneto region with a population of 259 968 şehir.Verona Arena, the Roman Empire-era is an important work. Verona Verona is dedicated to art as well as the City Art Museum, Archaeological Museum and the Shrine Museum is worth seeing yerlerdir.William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" story about the home of the Verona and Juliet.
Rimini, Italy in the city, Emilia (province of Forli) Marecchia'nın where it empties into the sea, sea shore Adriya; 128 625 (2001) nüf.Roma-era monuments: the triumphal arch of Augustus, Tiberius Bridge. San Francesco church or Malatestiano Tempio, XIII. century. "gothic style from the building remain, XV. century. request in the middle of San Malatesta L. B. By Albert to its original form was revised as appropriate, Agostino di Duccio made by the San Malatesta "ancestors and sons' graves. Pierro Della Francesca's frescoes of the. Museum. Major resort center (twenty miles long, sandy beach).
HISTORY: Ancient Ariminum, İ. Ö. 268'de was occupied by the Romans. Where the Romans established a Latin colony. Via Flaminia and the Via Emilia's arrival constitutes the starting point of this colony, the Second Punic War and played an important role in society during the war. Than III. century. At the end of the Ariminium'u Byzantine bishopric, was in the hands of the Goths (538, then 553). Lombard and Frank sovereignty into a dukedom of the city center, has become 1157'de fermanlı commune. After the struggle between the Ghibellines and on Welf Malatestalar'ın RIMINI (1134-1528) was combined with the history. Rimini later, became the papal territories (1528-1797) and (1816-1860).
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